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大学的专业用英语怎么说(大学选专业用英语怎么说) | 九贤互联网


How to Say Majors in College


As an international student, it can be confusing to navigate the college system in the United States. One of the most important aspects of college is choosing a major. However, it can be difficult to understand the language and terminology used to talk about majors. In this article, we will explain how to say majors in college in English.

Bachelor’s Degree

In the United States, students typically earn a Bachelor’s degree after completing four years of college. A Bachelor’s degree requires a major, which is the subject area that a student wants to focus on. For example, a student interested in Accounting would choose Accounting as their major.

Associate’s Degree

In addition to Bachelor’s degrees, some students choose to earn an Associate’s degree. An Associate’s degree is a two-year degree program that requires a major. The difference between an Associate’s degree and a Bachelor’s degree is the amount of time and coursework required to complete the degree.

Graduate Degrees

After completing a Bachelor’s degree, students may choose to pursue a graduate degree. Graduate degrees require students to choose a major as well. Some examples of graduate degrees include Master’s degrees, Doctorate degrees, and Professional degrees such as Law and Medicine.


The language used to talk about majors in college can be confusing for international students. However, understanding the terminology is important for navigating the college system. Remember that a major is the subject area that a student wants to focus on for their degree. Whether you choose a Bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree, a major is a crucial component of your college education.

How to Say Majors in College


As an international student, it can be confusing to navigate the college system in the United States. One of the most important aspects of college is choosing a major. However, it can be difficult to understand the language and terminology used to talk about majors. In this article, we will explain how to say majors in college in English.

Bachelor’s Degree

In the United States, students typically earn a Bachelor’s degree after completing four years of college. A Bachelor’s degree requires a major, which is the subject area that a student wants to focus on. For example, a student interested in Accounting would choose Accounting as their major.

Associate’s Degree

In addition to Bachelor’s degrees, some students choose to earn an Associate’s degree. An Associate’s degree is a two-year degree program that requires a major. The difference between an Associate’s degree and a Bachelor’s degree is the amount of time and coursework required to complete the degree.

Graduate Degrees

After completing a Bachelor’s degree, students may choose to pursue a graduate degree. Graduate degrees require students to choose a major as well. Some examples of graduate degrees include Master’s degrees, Doctorate degrees, and Professional degrees such as Law and Medicine.


The language used to talk about majors in college can be confusing for international students. However, understanding the terminology is important for navigating the college system. Remember that a major is the subject area that a student wants to focus on for their degree. Whether you choose a Bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree, a major is a crucial component of your college education.

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