

In recent years, the Jiangsu province has witnessed a surge in the number of students taking the university entrance examination. This has been attributed to the growth of the economy, increase in middle-class families, and the implementation of the two-child policy. With the number of candidates increasing each year, the competition to secure a place in a decent college or university becomes more intense. One factor that plays a critical role in determining students’ eligibility to get admission in a decent college or university is the cutoff scores set by the government.

Shift in the 2016 Cutoff scores

The 2016 Jiangsu province’s two-tier examination for college admission is a vital component of the higher education system in China. The two-tier system comprises of first-tier or high-level universities, and second-tier or ordinary colleges and universities. Students aspiring to join colleges and universities fall into different categories based on their examination scores, and the categories determine the type of universities they can attend. The 2016 cutoff scores for the ten categories released by the Jiangsu Province Department of Education showed that the scores increased significantly in most categories by an average of 25 points. The increase was way ahead of the national cutoff scores, and this posed a significant challenge to students who had not prepared well for the examinations.

Consequences of the increased cutoff scores

The sudden increase in the cutoff scores caused panic among students who had not achieved the minimum criteria. Students had to come up with new strategies to improve their scores to stand a chance of getting admission to a decent university. This caused a surge in enrolment in cram schools or private tutorials, and summer vacation programs that help students to prepare adequately for the examination. There was also an increase in the hiring of private tutors to help students with their studies. These private tutors were usually university students who had sat for the exams and scored highly. The upsurge caused by the increased cutoff scores of the Jiangsu province led to a significant increase in demand for tutors, and the cost per hour also surged significantly.

The impact of the 2016 cutoff scores

The 2016 cutoff scores for the Jiangsu Province caused some issues, both positive and negative. One of the positive effects was that it stimulated competition among students that pushed them to strive to perform at their highest level. On the other hand, it put a lot of pressure on less privileged students who could not afford private tutoring or enrolling in cram schools. Such students had to rely on their teachers to help them prepare for the examinations. Overall, the increase in the cutoff scores was an indication of the government’s commitment to improving the quality of education and ensuring that only qualified students get into universities.


In conclusion, the Jiangsu province 2016 two-tier examination cutoff score was highly competitive and caused a lot of anxiety for students. The cutoff scores went up significantly, causing students to change their strategies for exam preparation. It also led to an increase in the demand and cost for private tutoring services. Although the increase in the cutoff scores was met with mixed reactions, the government’s goal of ensuring the quality of education and admitting only qualified students to universities was evident.


In recent years, the Jiangsu province has witnessed a surge in the number of students taking the university entrance examination. This has been attributed to the growth of the economy, increase in middle-class families, and the implementation of the two-child policy. With the number of candidates increasing each year, the competition to secure a place in a decent college or university becomes more intense. One factor that plays a critical role in determining students’ eligibility to get admission in a decent college or university is the cutoff scores set by the government.

Shift in the 2016 Cutoff scores

The 2016 Jiangsu province’s two-tier examination for college admission is a vital component of the higher education system in China. The two-tier system comprises of first-tier or high-level universities, and second-tier or ordinary colleges and universities. Students aspiring to join colleges and universities fall into different categories based on their examination scores, and the categories determine the type of universities they can attend. The 2016 cutoff scores for the ten categories released by the Jiangsu Province Department of Education showed that the scores increased significantly in most categories by an average of 25 points. The increase was way ahead of the national cutoff scores, and this posed a significant challenge to students who had not prepared well for the examinations.

Consequences of the increased cutoff scores

The sudden increase in the cutoff scores caused panic among students who had not achieved the minimum criteria. Students had to come up with new strategies to improve their scores to stand a chance of getting admission to a decent university. This caused a surge in enrolment in cram schools or private tutorials, and summer vacation programs that help students to prepare adequately for the examination. There was also an increase in the hiring of private tutors to help students with their studies. These private tutors were usually university students who had sat for the exams and scored highly. The upsurge caused by the increased cutoff scores of the Jiangsu province led to a significant increase in demand for tutors, and the cost per hour also surged significantly.

The impact of the 2016 cutoff scores

The 2016 cutoff scores for the Jiangsu Province caused some issues, both positive and negative. One of the positive effects was that it stimulated competition among students that pushed them to strive to perform at their highest level. On the other hand, it put a lot of pressure on less privileged students who could not afford private tutoring or enrolling in cram schools. Such students had to rely on their teachers to help them prepare for the examinations. Overall, the increase in the cutoff scores was an indication of the government’s commitment to improving the quality of education and ensuring that only qualified students get into universities.


In conclusion, the Jiangsu province 2016 two-tier examination cutoff score was highly competitive and caused a lot of anxiety for students. The cutoff scores went up significantly, causing students to change their strategies for exam preparation. It also led to an increase in the demand and cost for private tutoring services. Although the increase in the cutoff scores was met with mixed reactions, the government’s goal of ensuring the quality of education and admitting only qualified students to universities was evident.

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