





Text A

Critical Reading

critical[5kritikEl] adj.有判断力的;批评的;危急的;重要的

例句A critical temperature of water is 100℃. 在标准大气压力下,水的沸点为100℃。

词组critical of吹毛求疵的,对…表示不满的


apply to适用

例句What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人。

non-fiction 纪实文学

例句I prefer non-fiction to fiction. 我喜欢散文类的作品, 不喜欢**类的。

put forth提出;发表;启航;(植物等)长出;放出

例句Darwin put forth the theory of evolution.达尔文提出了进化论。

position[pE5ziFEn] n.观点;态度;立场;位置;职位

例句The troops took up positions along the main road. 部队在主要沿线布置阵地。

词组in position 就位;在适当的位置;在原位


statement[5steitmEnt] n. 声明,陈述,综述;报表,清单

例句The two governments issued an official joint statement. 两国**发表正式联合声明。

词组make a statement陈述;作供

question[5kwestFEn] v.表示疑问;怀疑

n. 问题,议题;询问

例句They asked so many questions that they confused me.


evaluate [i5vAljueit] v.评价,估计

例句There is no sure way of evaluating the ability of an individual. 没有一种确定的方法来评价一个人的能力。


派生evaluation n. 评价; [审计] 评估;估价;求值

context [5kRntekst] n. (文章等)前后关系;(**等发生的)背景

例句Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?你能根据上下文说出这个词的意思吗?

词组in context在上下文中

out of context脱离上下文

in the context of 在…情况下;在…背景下


派生adj. contextual 上下文的;前后关系的

take…into account考虑到;顾及

例句Economic theory has to take into account the enormous diversity and interdependence.经济学理论必须考虑到经济活动的极其多样性和其间的相互关联。

value [5vAlju:] n. 价值;实用性;重要性

v. 估价,评价;尊重,重视

例句Has this volume been a good value for your money?你花这些钱买这册书值吗?

词组in value 在价值上

派生adj. valuable 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的

valued 重要的;宝贵的;贵重的;经估价的

n. valuation 评价,估价;计算

represent[7ri:pri5zent] v. 描述,表示;代表,**;阐明,说明

例句The red lines on map represent railways. 地图上的红线代表铁路。

词组represent sth. to **. 愤怒地指出,抱怨地表示

represent sth. to oneself 想像出某事物

represent for 代表;像

助记re+ present(出席)→作为…的代表,象征

派生adj. representative 典型的,有代表性的

assertion [E5sE:FEn] n.语气肯定的话,断言;主张,坚持(权力、意见等)

例句Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke critici**. 这种有问题的主张肯定会招致非议。

词组an air of self-assertion 坚持己见的姿态

speak with assertion 坚定地说

accept/take … at facevalue相信表面;信以为真

例句You shouldn’t take anything she says at face value.你不应该对她说的任何事都信以为真。

sufficient[sE5fiFEnt] adj. (for)足够的,充分的(比enough拘谨、正式)

例句We have not sufficient information to state the exact damage.


词组sufficient for充分的,足够的


statistic[stE5tistik] n. 统计量

adj. 统计的,统计学的

例句So it need a lot of measure data for statistic **ysis. 这就需要大量的实测数据来进行。统计分析。

integrate[5inti^reit] vt.(into,with)结合,并入;使成一个整体

adj. 完整的,组合的

例句The buildings and the landscape are well integrated. 这些建筑物和周围的自然景物相融合,浑然一体。

词组integrate with结合


authority[C:5WCriti] n. 权力,权威;权威人士;

(pl. )官方,当局

例句You don’t have any authority for entering this house. It’s private. 你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。

词组authority on 有关…的权威;…的专家

in authority 有权;持有权力的地位


派生adj. authoritative 有权威的;命令式的;当局的








一单选 1、 Elderly ……A habit 2、 It is ……C rate 3、 Unexpectedly ……C declined 4、 A good manager ……C with 5、 Everything ……C points 6、 Besides ……B additional 7、 The biologist ……D in place of 8、 Scientists ……A with 9、 ——,jane is ……D Rich as she is 10、——I admire ……D Much as

二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in learning a foreign language。……


system standard 都没选
Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes — that is the way we learn. Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation. It is also a great help in your learning. Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture or different cultures. It is no good learning strings of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English — watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspapers and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at a**ertisements, and above all, read — not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays. They will show you how language is really used. The English language is not an abstract system; it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge. If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously. But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge.

11 D either 12 A way 13 B insisted 14 C as a result 15 D for(without)

16 A varieties 17 B understood 18 D purpose 19 C ignore 20 B until

三、阅读 段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing
well at school。……
21——25 CDBDD

21 C confidence 22 D always failed in her study 23 B an educational psychologist
24 D support Sally without neglecting her other children
25 D develop into an artist

段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。…… 26——30 AABCD

26 A the time children consume 27 A have their children properly use the internet
28 B a strong desire to do something 29 C isolated 30 D negative
Internet Addiction

The amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents. Initially, parents welcomed the Internet into their homes, believing they were opening up an exciting new world of educational opportunities for their children. However, many parents soon realized that, instead of using the Internet for homework or research, their kids were spending hours instant messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.

Maintaining a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult. The engaging nature of Internet communications and interactive games means many children and **s have trouble keeping track of time when they're online.

Unfortunately, parents and teachers are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and because Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community. (Mental health practitioners continue to debate whether this behaviour is an "addiction," with some preferring to identify it as "compulsive behaviour.")

Children and young people can easily become 'hooked' on online activities such as multi-user games, instant messaging, **ography and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children, according to the Computer-Addiction Services at Harvard Medical School, are those who are "lonely and bored or from families where nobody is at home to relate to after school."

Children who are unpopular or shy with peers are often attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. Although playing these games with thousands of other users may appear to be a social activity, for the introverted child or **, excessive playing can further isolate them from friends and peers.

段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。…… 31—–35 AAABD
31 A Griffin , the grey parrot 32 A birds have a very good memory
33 A have some memory skills 34 B understand human brains
35 D remember, communicate and process information














Text A

Critical Reading

critical[5kritikEl] adj.有判断力的;批评的;危急的;重要的

例句A critical temperature of water is 100℃. 在标准大气压力下,水的沸点为100℃。

词组critical of吹毛求疵的,对…表示不满的


apply to适用

例句What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人。

non-fiction 纪实文学

例句I prefer non-fiction to fiction. 我喜欢散文类的作品, 不喜欢**类的。

put forth提出;发表;启航;(植物等)长出;放出

例句Darwin put forth the theory of evolution.达尔文提出了进化论。

position[pE5ziFEn] n.观点;态度;立场;位置;职位

例句The troops took up positions along the main road. 部队在主要沿线布置阵地。

词组in position 就位;在适当的位置;在原位


statement[5steitmEnt] n. 声明,陈述,综述;报表,清单

例句The two governments issued an official joint statement. 两国**发表正式联合声明。

词组make a statement陈述;作供

question[5kwestFEn] v.表示疑问;怀疑

n. 问题,议题;询问

例句They asked so many questions that they confused me.


evaluate [i5vAljueit] v.评价,估计

例句There is no sure way of evaluating the ability of an individual. 没有一种确定的方法来评价一个人的能力。


派生evaluation n. 评价; [审计] 评估;估价;求值

context [5kRntekst] n. (文章等)前后关系;(**等发生的)背景

例句Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?你能根据上下文说出这个词的意思吗?

词组in context在上下文中

out of context脱离上下文

in the context of 在…情况下;在…背景下


派生adj. contextual 上下文的;前后关系的

take…into account考虑到;顾及

例句Economic theory has to take into account the enormous diversity and interdependence.经济学理论必须考虑到经济活动的极其多样性和其间的相互关联。

value [5vAlju:] n. 价值;实用性;重要性

v. 估价,评价;尊重,重视

例句Has this volume been a good value for your money?你花这些钱买这册书值吗?

词组in value 在价值上

派生adj. valuable 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的

valued 重要的;宝贵的;贵重的;经估价的

n. valuation 评价,估价;计算

represent[7ri:pri5zent] v. 描述,表示;代表,**;阐明,说明

例句The red lines on map represent railways. 地图上的红线代表铁路。

词组represent sth. to **. 愤怒地指出,抱怨地表示

represent sth. to oneself 想像出某事物

represent for 代表;像

助记re+ present(出席)→作为…的代表,象征

派生adj. representative 典型的,有代表性的

assertion [E5sE:FEn] n.语气肯定的话,断言;主张,坚持(权力、意见等)

例句Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke critici**. 这种有问题的主张肯定会招致非议。

词组an air of self-assertion 坚持己见的姿态

speak with assertion 坚定地说

accept/take … at facevalue相信表面;信以为真

例句You shouldn’t take anything she says at face value.你不应该对她说的任何事都信以为真。

sufficient[sE5fiFEnt] adj. (for)足够的,充分的(比enough拘谨、正式)

例句We have not sufficient information to state the exact damage.


词组sufficient for充分的,足够的


statistic[stE5tistik] n. 统计量

adj. 统计的,统计学的

例句So it need a lot of measure data for statistic **ysis. 这就需要大量的实测数据来进行。统计分析。

integrate[5inti^reit] vt.(into,with)结合,并入;使成一个整体

adj. 完整的,组合的

例句The buildings and the landscape are well integrated. 这些建筑物和周围的自然景物相融合,浑然一体。

词组integrate with结合


authority[C:5WCriti] n. 权力,权威;权威人士;

(pl. )官方,当局

例句You don’t have any authority for entering this house. It’s private. 你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。

词组authority on 有关…的权威;…的专家

in authority 有权;持有权力的地位


派生adj. authoritative 有权威的;命令式的;当局的








一单选 1、 Elderly ……A habit 2、 It is ……C rate 3、 Unexpectedly ……C declined 4、 A good manager ……C with 5、 Everything ……C points 6、 Besides ……B additional 7、 The biologist ……D in place of 8、 Scientists ……A with 9、 ——,jane is ……D Rich as she is 10、——I admire ……D Much as

二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in learning a foreign language。……


system standard 都没选
Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes — that is the way we learn. Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation. It is also a great help in your learning. Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture or different cultures. It is no good learning strings of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English — watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspapers and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at a**ertisements, and above all, read — not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays. They will show you how language is really used. The English language is not an abstract system; it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge. If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously. But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge.

11 D either 12 A way 13 B insisted 14 C as a result 15 D for(without)

16 A varieties 17 B understood 18 D purpose 19 C ignore 20 B until

三、阅读 段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing
well at school。……
21——25 CDBDD

21 C confidence 22 D always failed in her study 23 B an educational psychologist
24 D support Sally without neglecting her other children
25 D develop into an artist

段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。…… 26——30 AABCD

26 A the time children consume 27 A have their children properly use the internet
28 B a strong desire to do something 29 C isolated 30 D negative
Internet Addiction

The amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents. Initially, parents welcomed the Internet into their homes, believing they were opening up an exciting new world of educational opportunities for their children. However, many parents soon realized that, instead of using the Internet for homework or research, their kids were spending hours instant messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.

Maintaining a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult. The engaging nature of Internet communications and interactive games means many children and **s have trouble keeping track of time when they're online.

Unfortunately, parents and teachers are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and because Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community. (Mental health practitioners continue to debate whether this behaviour is an "addiction," with some preferring to identify it as "compulsive behaviour.")

Children and young people can easily become 'hooked' on online activities such as multi-user games, instant messaging, **ography and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children, according to the Computer-Addiction Services at Harvard Medical School, are those who are "lonely and bored or from families where nobody is at home to relate to after school."

Children who are unpopular or shy with peers are often attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. Although playing these games with thousands of other users may appear to be a social activity, for the introverted child or **, excessive playing can further isolate them from friends and peers.

段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。…… 31—–35 AAABD
31 A Griffin , the grey parrot 32 A birds have a very good memory
33 A have some memory skills 34 B understand human brains
35 D remember, communicate and process information









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