



【专升本快速报名和免费咨询:https://www.87dh.com/xl/】10.以以 check为中心的词组

check out查明,结帐,付款而离开旅馆

check with商议,符合,核对无误

clear off清除,清理,(云雾)消散,(雨)停

come about vi.发生,(风,帆)改变方向

come across偶尔发现(遇见),想起;越过;偿付

come along一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现

come at达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击

come from来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于

come in进来,进入;流行起来;获名次

come into being发生,产生,出现,形成

come into power开始执政,当权,当选

come into effect/ force开始生效,开始实行

come into existence形成,产生,开始存在

come into operation开始运转,实施,生效

come into possession of占有,拥有

come into the possession of被…占有,被…拥有

come into use开始使用,获得应用

come near接近,不亚于,几乎,差一点

come off(头发,牙齿,纽扣)脱落,离开

come on上演,开始,赶快;发展;登台;被提出

come out出来,发芽;出版;结果是;褪色;泄露

come to苏醒,复原,共计,达成,归结于,渐渐(to do sth

come to a stop结束,停止,停顿,

come to an understanding取得谅解

when it comes to…就…而论,谈到

come to know/realize/understand开始了解到/意识到/明白

come to light明朗化,出现,显露出来

come up走近;上楼;流行起来,发芽,上来,(问题)被提出,(风浪)猛烈起来



【专升本快速报名和免费咨询:https://www.87dh.com/xl/】51.以以 take为中心的词组

take a chance/ an opportunity碰运气,抓机会

take a**antage of利用,乘…之便

take sp.by surprise出奇制胜,突袭

take care of当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理

take down取下,记下,占领,拆毁,病倒

take… for granted认为…理所当然(不成问题)

take in吸收,接纳,欺骗,轻信,领会;留宿

take sth. into account/ consideration考虑,重视

take it/ things easy别紧张,从容

take off vt.脱去,除去;vi.起飞,起程,成功,成名

take one's place就坐,入坐,代替

take one's temperature量体温

take one's time(to do)慢慢做

take out拿出,取出,去除,取得(专利权)

take the shape of呈/取….的形状

take pride in以~~为荣,对~~骄傲


take **. by the arm拉某人的胳膊

take **.in one's arms拥抱某人

take up with致力于,忍受,对…发生兴趣




call away叫走,把(注意力)转移开

call for需要,要求,接(某人),迎,取

call up打电话给…,召集,使想起

carry away冲走,带走,冲昏某人头脑

carry…into effect/practice执行,实行,实现,完成

carry off带走叼走,夺去…的生命,获得(奖品)

carry out贯彻,执行,实施,完成

carry through坚持到底,进行到底,贯彻,完成

be caught in the traffic遭遇交通阻塞

catch on挂住,明白,理解,受欢迎

catch one's word听懂某人的话

catch **'s attention引起某人注意

catch the point of抓住…的要点



1.be busy/enjoy/avoid doing sth.忙于/喜欢/允许做某事

例如:Lin Tao is busy making a model plane.林涛正忙着做飞机模型。

My mother enjoys taking a walk after supper.我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步。He managed to avoid being punished.他设法逃脱了惩罚。

2.fill…with…用……装满……;be filled with……充满了……;be full of充满……

be filled with说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。

例如:The box is filled with food.盒子里装满了食物。

be full of说明主语处于的状态,此外,还可以表示程度,意为“非常”,例如:The patient’s room is full of flowers.那个病人的房间摆满了花。The young man is full of pride.那个年轻人非常骄傲。


I fill the box with food.=The box is full of food.

3. be good/bad for有利于/有害于……


Doing morning exercises is good for your health.做早**对你的健康有益。Always playing computer games is bad for your study.总玩电脑游戏对你的学习

4. be used to(doing) sth.习惯于后面必须跟动名词或者名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态,be可用 get,become来代替。

例如:He is used to living in the country.(He is used to the life in the country.)他习惯于乡村生活。

He will get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起。注意:be used to do的意思是“被用来做”例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。


例如:Both he and his parents agree with the idea.不论他还是他父母都同意这一想法。


例如:This classroom is as big as that one.这间教室和那间一样大。He runs as fast as Tom.他和汤姆跑的一样快。否定结构:not as/so…as,“不如”,上面的两个句子可分别改为This classroom is not as/so as large as that one.这间教室不如那间大。He doesn’t run as/so fast as Tom.他跑的不如汤姆快。

7. as soon as一就用来引导时间状语从句。若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来时,

例如:I’ll tell him the plan as soon as I see him.我一看到他就告诉他这个计划。He’ll go home as soon as he finishes his work.他一完成工作就回家。

8. can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事

His joke is too funny. We can’t help laughing.他的笑话太有趣了,我们禁不住笑

9. sth. costs **. some money某物花费了某人多少钱


The book cost me five yuan.这本书花费了我五元钱。10.either…or…不是……就是……,或者……或者……


Either she or I am right.=Either I or she is right.不是她对就是我对。11.enough(for **.)to do sth.足够……做……


The ice isn’t thick enough for you to walk on.这冰还没有厚到你可以在上面可以走的程度。

12.feel like doing sth.想要做某事

此处 like为介词,后面跟动词-ing形式,此句型与 would like to do sth.同义。例如:

I feel like drinking a cup of milk.我想喝一杯牛奶。13.feel/find/think it adj./n. to do sth.认为某事……

在此结构中 it为形式宾语,不定式短语做真正的宾语。例如:

I find it very interesting to play football.我认为踢足球很有趣。14.get ready for sth./to do sth.“为某事做准备”“准备做某事”

They are getting ready for the meeting.他们正在为会议做准备。

We were getting ready to have a sports meeting at that moment.他们那时正准备开运动会。

15.get/receive a letter from收到……的来信相当于 hear from例如:

Did you receive a letter from John?你收到约翰的来信了么?

I got a letter from my brother yesterday.我昨天收到了我弟弟的一封来信。16.had better(not) do sth.(别)做某事

had better为情态动词,其后需要动词原形。had better常用缩写,变成’d better,

其否定形式是在其后直接加 not。例如:

We had better go now.=We’d better go now.我们现在走吧。

You’d better not go out because it is windy.今天刮风,你别出去了。17.have sth. done使(某事)完成(动作由别人完成)

We had the machine repaired.我们请人把机器修好了。

18. help **.(to)do sth./with sth.帮助某事(做)某事(to可以省略)例如:

I often help my mother with housework.我常常帮助妈妈做家务。

Would you please help me(to)look up these words?请你帮助我查查这些词好么?

19. How do you like…?=What do you think of…?你认为怎么样?

How do you like the weather in Beijing?你认为北京的天气怎么样?

20. I don’t think/believe/that…我认为/相信……不……其中 not是对宾语从句进行否定而不是对主句否定(否定前移)。例如:

I don’t think it will rain.我认为天不会下雨。

I don’t believe the girl will come.我相信那女孩不会来了。

21. It happens that…碰巧……相当于 happen to do例如:

It happened that I heard their seceret.=I happened to hear their secret.我碰巧听到了他们的秘密。

22. It’s/has been+一段时间+since从句“自从某时起做某事已经一段时间了”该句型中 since引导的时间状语从句常用一般过去时。例如:

It’s twenty years since he came here.他来这儿已经 20年了。

It has been six years since he maried Mary.他和玛丽结婚已经六年了。23.It is+adj./n.+for **. to do sth.做某事对某人来说……

it是形式主语真正的主语是不定式 to do sth.例如:

It’s not easy for us to study English well.对我们来说学好英语并不容易。24.It is+adj./n.+of **. to do sth.“做某事某人真”

it是形式主语,to do sth.真正的主语,当表语(即形容词)能对逻辑主语描述时,常用介词 of而不用 for,表示某人具有某种性格、品质,例如:

It’s very polite of you to give your seat to old people.你给老人让座,非常有礼貌。25.It seems/appears(to **.)that…(在某人看来)好像……

此句中 it是主语,that引导的是表语从句。例如:

It seems that he is lying.看样子他好像是在撒谎。

26. It is+数词+meters/kilometers long/wide…“是多少米(公里)长(宽)”


It is 20meters long from this end to that end.从这端到那端有 20米长。

27. It’s time for **. to do sth.是某人干某事的时候了It是形式主语,to do sth.真正的主语,例如: It’s time for the child to go to bed.孩子该睡觉了。

28. It takes **. some time to do sth.做某事花费了某人多长时间it是形式主语,to do sth.真正的主语例如:

It took the old man three days to finish the work.那个老人花了三天时间完成这项工作。

29. keep(on)doing sth.一直坚持做某事

keep doing sth.一般用于静态动词,keep on doing sth.“继续不停做某事”一般用于动态动词,但二者的区别并不是很严格,有时可以互换。例如:

Don’t keep on doing such foolish things.不要再做这样的傻事了。He kept sitting there all day.他整天坐在那里。

30. keep…from doing sth.阻止做某事

相当于stop…from doing sth. prevent from doing sth.在主动句中,stop和prevent

后面的 from可以省略,但在被动结构中 from不可以省略。例如:

Please keep the children from swimming in the sea.请别让孩子到海里游泳。



be devoted to(介词+V-ing)贡献给,致力于

devote one's attention to专心于

devote oneself/one's life to献身于,致力于

be divided by…被…除eg. Twelve can be divided by three. 12可以用3除尽

be divided on.sth..对于…有分歧

divide sth. among/ between…在…之间分配

divide up分割,瓜分,划分,分配

do away with去掉,废除;弄**;浪费

do good to(=do **. good)有益于

do harm to(=do **. harm)有害于

do **. right公平对待,正确批评某人

do wrong to(=do **. wrong)做错

do one's best/ utmost尽某人最大努力

do some cleaning(V+ing,etc.)打扫卫生

do **. a favor/do a favor for **.帮助某人

do up捆,扎,系,扣,收拾,刷新

do wonders创造奇迹,产生奇特的效果

have much to do with和~~很有关系

have nothing to do with与~~无关

have something to do with和~~有关

in doing so=in so doing这时,在这种情况下





【专升本快速报名和免费咨询:https://www.87dh.com/xl/】10.以以 check为中心的词组

check out查明,结帐,付款而离开旅馆

check with商议,符合,核对无误

clear off清除,清理,(云雾)消散,(雨)停

come about vi.发生,(风,帆)改变方向

come across偶尔发现(遇见),想起;越过;偿付

come along一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现

come at达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击

come from来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于

come in进来,进入;流行起来;获名次

come into being发生,产生,出现,形成

come into power开始执政,当权,当选

come into effect/ force开始生效,开始实行

come into existence形成,产生,开始存在

come into operation开始运转,实施,生效

come into possession of占有,拥有

come into the possession of被…占有,被…拥有

come into use开始使用,获得应用

come near接近,不亚于,几乎,差一点

come off(头发,牙齿,纽扣)脱落,离开

come on上演,开始,赶快;发展;登台;被提出

come out出来,发芽;出版;结果是;褪色;泄露

come to苏醒,复原,共计,达成,归结于,渐渐(to do sth

come to a stop结束,停止,停顿,

come to an understanding取得谅解

when it comes to…就…而论,谈到

come to know/realize/understand开始了解到/意识到/明白

come to light明朗化,出现,显露出来

come up走近;上楼;流行起来,发芽,上来,(问题)被提出,(风浪)猛烈起来



【专升本快速报名和免费咨询:https://www.87dh.com/xl/】51.以以 take为中心的词组

take a chance/ an opportunity碰运气,抓机会

take a**antage of利用,乘…之便

take sp.by surprise出奇制胜,突袭

take care of当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理

take down取下,记下,占领,拆毁,病倒

take… for granted认为…理所当然(不成问题)

take in吸收,接纳,欺骗,轻信,领会;留宿

take sth. into account/ consideration考虑,重视

take it/ things easy别紧张,从容

take off vt.脱去,除去;vi.起飞,起程,成功,成名

take one's place就坐,入坐,代替

take one's temperature量体温

take one's time(to do)慢慢做

take out拿出,取出,去除,取得(专利权)

take the shape of呈/取….的形状

take pride in以~~为荣,对~~骄傲


take **. by the arm拉某人的胳膊

take **.in one's arms拥抱某人

take up with致力于,忍受,对…发生兴趣




call away叫走,把(注意力)转移开

call for需要,要求,接(某人),迎,取

call up打电话给…,召集,使想起

carry away冲走,带走,冲昏某人头脑

carry…into effect/practice执行,实行,实现,完成

carry off带走叼走,夺去…的生命,获得(奖品)

carry out贯彻,执行,实施,完成

carry through坚持到底,进行到底,贯彻,完成

be caught in the traffic遭遇交通阻塞

catch on挂住,明白,理解,受欢迎

catch one's word听懂某人的话

catch **'s attention引起某人注意

catch the point of抓住…的要点



1.be busy/enjoy/avoid doing sth.忙于/喜欢/允许做某事

例如:Lin Tao is busy making a model plane.林涛正忙着做飞机模型。

My mother enjoys taking a walk after supper.我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步。He managed to avoid being punished.他设法逃脱了惩罚。

2.fill…with…用……装满……;be filled with……充满了……;be full of充满……

be filled with说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。

例如:The box is filled with food.盒子里装满了食物。

be full of说明主语处于的状态,此外,还可以表示程度,意为“非常”,例如:The patient’s room is full of flowers.那个病人的房间摆满了花。The young man is full of pride.那个年轻人非常骄傲。


I fill the box with food.=The box is full of food.

3. be good/bad for有利于/有害于……


Doing morning exercises is good for your health.做早**对你的健康有益。Always playing computer games is bad for your study.总玩电脑游戏对你的学习

4. be used to(doing) sth.习惯于后面必须跟动名词或者名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态,be可用 get,become来代替。

例如:He is used to living in the country.(He is used to the life in the country.)他习惯于乡村生活。

He will get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起。注意:be used to do的意思是“被用来做”例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。


例如:Both he and his parents agree with the idea.不论他还是他父母都同意这一想法。


例如:This classroom is as big as that one.这间教室和那间一样大。He runs as fast as Tom.他和汤姆跑的一样快。否定结构:not as/so…as,“不如”,上面的两个句子可分别改为This classroom is not as/so as large as that one.这间教室不如那间大。He doesn’t run as/so fast as Tom.他跑的不如汤姆快。

7. as soon as一就用来引导时间状语从句。若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来时,

例如:I’ll tell him the plan as soon as I see him.我一看到他就告诉他这个计划。He’ll go home as soon as he finishes his work.他一完成工作就回家。

8. can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事

His joke is too funny. We can’t help laughing.他的笑话太有趣了,我们禁不住笑

9. sth. costs **. some money某物花费了某人多少钱


The book cost me five yuan.这本书花费了我五元钱。10.either…or…不是……就是……,或者……或者……


Either she or I am right.=Either I or she is right.不是她对就是我对。11.enough(for **.)to do sth.足够……做……


The ice isn’t thick enough for you to walk on.这冰还没有厚到你可以在上面可以走的程度。

12.feel like doing sth.想要做某事

此处 like为介词,后面跟动词-ing形式,此句型与 would like to do sth.同义。例如:

I feel like drinking a cup of milk.我想喝一杯牛奶。13.feel/find/think it adj./n. to do sth.认为某事……

在此结构中 it为形式宾语,不定式短语做真正的宾语。例如:

I find it very interesting to play football.我认为踢足球很有趣。14.get ready for sth./to do sth.“为某事做准备”“准备做某事”

They are getting ready for the meeting.他们正在为会议做准备。

We were getting ready to have a sports meeting at that moment.他们那时正准备开运动会。

15.get/receive a letter from收到……的来信相当于 hear from例如:

Did you receive a letter from John?你收到约翰的来信了么?

I got a letter from my brother yesterday.我昨天收到了我弟弟的一封来信。16.had better(not) do sth.(别)做某事

had better为情态动词,其后需要动词原形。had better常用缩写,变成’d better,

其否定形式是在其后直接加 not。例如:

We had better go now.=We’d better go now.我们现在走吧。

You’d better not go out because it is windy.今天刮风,你别出去了。17.have sth. done使(某事)完成(动作由别人完成)

We had the machine repaired.我们请人把机器修好了。

18. help **.(to)do sth./with sth.帮助某事(做)某事(to可以省略)例如:

I often help my mother with housework.我常常帮助妈妈做家务。

Would you please help me(to)look up these words?请你帮助我查查这些词好么?

19. How do you like…?=What do you think of…?你认为怎么样?

How do you like the weather in Beijing?你认为北京的天气怎么样?

20. I don’t think/believe/that…我认为/相信……不……其中 not是对宾语从句进行否定而不是对主句否定(否定前移)。例如:

I don’t think it will rain.我认为天不会下雨。

I don’t believe the girl will come.我相信那女孩不会来了。

21. It happens that…碰巧……相当于 happen to do例如:

It happened that I heard their seceret.=I happened to hear their secret.我碰巧听到了他们的秘密。

22. It’s/has been+一段时间+since从句“自从某时起做某事已经一段时间了”该句型中 since引导的时间状语从句常用一般过去时。例如:

It’s twenty years since he came here.他来这儿已经 20年了。

It has been six years since he maried Mary.他和玛丽结婚已经六年了。23.It is+adj./n.+for **. to do sth.做某事对某人来说……

it是形式主语真正的主语是不定式 to do sth.例如:

It’s not easy for us to study English well.对我们来说学好英语并不容易。24.It is+adj./n.+of **. to do sth.“做某事某人真”

it是形式主语,to do sth.真正的主语,当表语(即形容词)能对逻辑主语描述时,常用介词 of而不用 for,表示某人具有某种性格、品质,例如:

It’s very polite of you to give your seat to old people.你给老人让座,非常有礼貌。25.It seems/appears(to **.)that…(在某人看来)好像……

此句中 it是主语,that引导的是表语从句。例如:

It seems that he is lying.看样子他好像是在撒谎。

26. It is+数词+meters/kilometers long/wide…“是多少米(公里)长(宽)”


It is 20meters long from this end to that end.从这端到那端有 20米长。

27. It’s time for **. to do sth.是某人干某事的时候了It是形式主语,to do sth.真正的主语,例如: It’s time for the child to go to bed.孩子该睡觉了。

28. It takes **. some time to do sth.做某事花费了某人多长时间it是形式主语,to do sth.真正的主语例如:

It took the old man three days to finish the work.那个老人花了三天时间完成这项工作。

29. keep(on)doing sth.一直坚持做某事

keep doing sth.一般用于静态动词,keep on doing sth.“继续不停做某事”一般用于动态动词,但二者的区别并不是很严格,有时可以互换。例如:

Don’t keep on doing such foolish things.不要再做这样的傻事了。He kept sitting there all day.他整天坐在那里。

30. keep…from doing sth.阻止做某事

相当于stop…from doing sth. prevent from doing sth.在主动句中,stop和prevent

后面的 from可以省略,但在被动结构中 from不可以省略。例如:

Please keep the children from swimming in the sea.请别让孩子到海里游泳。



be devoted to(介词+V-ing)贡献给,致力于

devote one's attention to专心于

devote oneself/one's life to献身于,致力于

be divided by…被…除eg. Twelve can be divided by three. 12可以用3除尽

be divided on.sth..对于…有分歧

divide sth. among/ between…在…之间分配

divide up分割,瓜分,划分,分配

do away with去掉,废除;弄**;浪费

do good to(=do **. good)有益于

do harm to(=do **. harm)有害于

do **. right公平对待,正确批评某人

do wrong to(=do **. wrong)做错

do one's best/ utmost尽某人最大努力

do some cleaning(V+ing,etc.)打扫卫生

do **. a favor/do a favor for **.帮助某人

do up捆,扎,系,扣,收拾,刷新

do wonders创造奇迹,产生奇特的效果

have much to do with和~~很有关系

have nothing to do with与~~无关

have something to do with和~~有关

in doing so=in so doing这时,在这种情况下



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