

With the popularity of manga and anime across the globe, many people have wondered if there is a professional course or degree in this field. In this article, we will explore whether there is a specialized field for manga and anime studies, and what options are available for individuals interested in learning more about this genre.

Manga as an Academic Subject

Manga studies have gained momentum as a legitimate academic field in recent years. In Japan, there are several universities that offer degrees in the study of manga and anime, including Kyoto Seika University, Tokyo Polytechnic University, and Osaka University of Arts. These universities offer courses in subjects like animation, manga writing and illustration, character design, and manga publishing. Students who pursue degrees in these fields can go on to work in different aspects of the manga and anime industry, from publishing and animation to becoming writers and illustrators themselves.

Programs Outside of Japan

While there are several universities in Japan that offer professional degrees in manga and anime, there are also programs outside of Japan that specialize in this field. For example, the School of Visual Arts in New York City offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cartooning, which focuses heavily on the creation and production of comics, graphic novels, and other forms of sequential art, including manga. Another example is the Kyoto International Manga Museum that offers a Master’s degree in ‘Manga Culture Studies’. Several other universities throughout Europe and Asia also offer courses and degrees in the study of manga and anime.

Independent Study and Workshops

For those who are unable to attend a formal program in manga studies, there are still several options available for independent study. There are numerous online courses and workshops available that focus on different aspects of manga, including writing, illustration, and production. Some of these courses are taught by seasoned professionals in the manga industry, which can provide valuable insight into the field. Additionally, there are numerous books and online resources available that teach the techniques and methods required to create a successful manga series.


In conclusion, there are several options available for individuals who want to pursue a career or education in manga and anime. Depending on one’s location and goals, there are universities that offer degrees in manga studies, independent study options such as online courses and workshops, and a wealth of books and other resources available. With the continued popularity of manga and anime, it is likely that the field will continue to grow, and more opportunities for studying and working in this field will become available in the future.


With the popularity of manga and anime across the globe, many people have wondered if there is a professional course or degree in this field. In this article, we will explore whether there is a specialized field for manga and anime studies, and what options are available for individuals interested in learning more about this genre.

Manga as an Academic Subject

Manga studies have gained momentum as a legitimate academic field in recent years. In Japan, there are several universities that offer degrees in the study of manga and anime, including Kyoto Seika University, Tokyo Polytechnic University, and Osaka University of Arts. These universities offer courses in subjects like animation, manga writing and illustration, character design, and manga publishing. Students who pursue degrees in these fields can go on to work in different aspects of the manga and anime industry, from publishing and animation to becoming writers and illustrators themselves.

Programs Outside of Japan

While there are several universities in Japan that offer professional degrees in manga and anime, there are also programs outside of Japan that specialize in this field. For example, the School of Visual Arts in New York City offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cartooning, which focuses heavily on the creation and production of comics, graphic novels, and other forms of sequential art, including manga. Another example is the Kyoto International Manga Museum that offers a Master’s degree in ‘Manga Culture Studies’. Several other universities throughout Europe and Asia also offer courses and degrees in the study of manga and anime.

Independent Study and Workshops

For those who are unable to attend a formal program in manga studies, there are still several options available for independent study. There are numerous online courses and workshops available that focus on different aspects of manga, including writing, illustration, and production. Some of these courses are taught by seasoned professionals in the manga industry, which can provide valuable insight into the field. Additionally, there are numerous books and online resources available that teach the techniques and methods required to create a successful manga series.


In conclusion, there are several options available for individuals who want to pursue a career or education in manga and anime. Depending on one’s location and goals, there are universities that offer degrees in manga studies, independent study options such as online courses and workshops, and a wealth of books and other resources available. With the continued popularity of manga and anime, it is likely that the field will continue to grow, and more opportunities for studying and working in this field will become available in the future.

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