考研不考数学的专业有哪些(考研不考数学的专业有哪些 英语)


When it comes to preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam, the decision to not include mathematics in your exam can be both liberating and challenging. While it opens up possibilities to choose from a wide range of humanities and social science programs, it also narrows down the choices for science-related majors. In this article, we will explore the various majors available to those who do not intend to pursue mathematics as a subject in their entrance exam.

Literature and Linguistics

If you have an interest in languages and literature, then a degree in literature or linguistics could be a perfect fit. These courses can include topics such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Students learn how to interpret and **yze literature, as well as develop excellent communication and writing skills.

Social Sciences

Social science courses are designed to provide students with an understanding of human society and behavior. A degree in social sciences will enable students to learn about anthropology, sociology, history, psychology, geography, and political science. You can choose to specialize in any one of these subjects and build a career in fields such as social work, policy making, research, education or media.

Fine Arts

If you have a natural talent for art and design, consider pursuing a degree in fine arts. Fine arts courses can include ceramics, painting, sculpture, graphic design, photography, and film-making. These courses will help you develop your artistic skills and become proficient in your chosen area of specialization.


Choosing a major that doesn’t require mathematics as a subject can be a challenging task, but it provides you with the chance to explore and specialize in areas that match your interests and aptitudes. Literature, linguistics, social sciences, and fine arts are just a few examples of the numerous majors available to students who do not want to include mathematics in the postgraduate entrance exam. Ultimately, the key to success is to choose a major that you are passionate about and one that aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations.


When it comes to preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam, the decision to not include mathematics in your exam can be both liberating and challenging. While it opens up possibilities to choose from a wide range of humanities and social science programs, it also narrows down the choices for science-related majors. In this article, we will explore the various majors available to those who do not intend to pursue mathematics as a subject in their entrance exam.

Literature and Linguistics

If you have an interest in languages and literature, then a degree in literature or linguistics could be a perfect fit. These courses can include topics such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Students learn how to interpret and **yze literature, as well as develop excellent communication and writing skills.

Social Sciences

Social science courses are designed to provide students with an understanding of human society and behavior. A degree in social sciences will enable students to learn about anthropology, sociology, history, psychology, geography, and political science. You can choose to specialize in any one of these subjects and build a career in fields such as social work, policy making, research, education or media.

Fine Arts

If you have a natural talent for art and design, consider pursuing a degree in fine arts. Fine arts courses can include ceramics, painting, sculpture, graphic design, photography, and film-making. These courses will help you develop your artistic skills and become proficient in your chosen area of specialization.


Choosing a major that doesn’t require mathematics as a subject can be a challenging task, but it provides you with the chance to explore and specialize in areas that match your interests and aptitudes. Literature, linguistics, social sciences, and fine arts are just a few examples of the numerous majors available to students who do not want to include mathematics in the postgraduate entrance exam. Ultimately, the key to success is to choose a major that you are passionate about and one that aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations.

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