

As one of the most important stages of higher education in China, the undergraduate program has attracted many high school graduates. However, with so many universities and disciplines to choose from, it can be difficult for students to decide where to apply. One of the criteria that students often consider is the college ranking and admission score line.


In China, there are two major organizations that publish college rankings. One is the Ministry of Education, and the other is the Chinese University Alumni Association. Generally, the two rankings have different evaluation standards and weightings, so students can choose the ranking that suits them according to their needs. For example, if students value academic research and innovation, they could refer to the ranking of the Ministry of Education. However, if they value employment prospects, they could refer to the ranking of the Chinese University Alumni Association.

Admission Score Line

The admission score line for universities is set by the government each year based on the college ranking, student enrollment, and admission difficulty. Students who score above the admission score line are eligible for enrollment, and those who do not meet the score line cannot enroll. The admission score line varies from discipline to discipline and university to university, and the admission rate is usually very low for top universities and disciplines. Therefore, students should make a reasonable choice based on their own academic level and preferences when applying for a university.

Comparison Between Two Universities

For example, let’s compare two universities under the same ranking for the same discipline. The admission score line of university A is higher than that of university B. However, the employment rate of university B is higher than that of university A. Therefore, if the students value the employment prospects more, they should choose university B. However, if they value academic research and innovation more, they should choose university A.


Ranking and admission score lines are important criteria for high school graduates to choose universities. However, they are not the only criteria. Other factors such as location, campus culture, and faculty are also important. Therefore, students should make a comprehensive evaluation of these factors before making a final decision. Whatever choice they make, they should concentrate on what they love and pursue their own dreams.


As one of the most important stages of higher education in China, the undergraduate program has attracted many high school graduates. However, with so many universities and disciplines to choose from, it can be difficult for students to decide where to apply. One of the criteria that students often consider is the college ranking and admission score line.


In China, there are two major organizations that publish college rankings. One is the Ministry of Education, and the other is the Chinese University Alumni Association. Generally, the two rankings have different evaluation standards and weightings, so students can choose the ranking that suits them according to their needs. For example, if students value academic research and innovation, they could refer to the ranking of the Ministry of Education. However, if they value employment prospects, they could refer to the ranking of the Chinese University Alumni Association.

Admission Score Line

The admission score line for universities is set by the government each year based on the college ranking, student enrollment, and admission difficulty. Students who score above the admission score line are eligible for enrollment, and those who do not meet the score line cannot enroll. The admission score line varies from discipline to discipline and university to university, and the admission rate is usually very low for top universities and disciplines. Therefore, students should make a reasonable choice based on their own academic level and preferences when applying for a university.

Comparison Between Two Universities

For example, let’s compare two universities under the same ranking for the same discipline. The admission score line of university A is higher than that of university B. However, the employment rate of university B is higher than that of university A. Therefore, if the students value the employment prospects more, they should choose university B. However, if they value academic research and innovation more, they should choose university A.


Ranking and admission score lines are important criteria for high school graduates to choose universities. However, they are not the only criteria. Other factors such as location, campus culture, and faculty are also important. Therefore, students should make a comprehensive evaluation of these factors before making a final decision. Whatever choice they make, they should concentrate on what they love and pursue their own dreams.

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