

English is one of the most sought-after subjects in the world. Many students wish to pursue English as their subject of interest to gain various career opportunities. One such opportunity is through a master’s degree in English. The English subject for PG courses is a popular choice among students. The English PG entrance exam mainly comprises four sections.

Section 1: English Literature

This section mostly concentrates on the core texts of literature that contain poems, prose, and drama. Students need to study various texts from different genres to score well in this section. The exam usually contains questions related to authorship, central themes and its relevance to society, character traits, and other relevant topics. It’s essential to have a good understanding of the core texts to score well in this section.

Section 2: Grammar and Understanding of English

Grammar and understanding of English is an essential aspect when it comes to English. In this section, students are usually tested on their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary skillset. This section is particularly crucial as professional life demands excellent communication skills, a good understanding of grammar, and a vast vocabulary range. The questions are generally related to the correct usage of tenses, adjectives, verbs, and other grammatical rules. Students need to practice regularly and refer to grammar guides to score well in this section.

Section 3: Writing and Communication Skills

In this section, students’ writing and communication skills are tested. The skills required in this section are letter writing, article, essay writing, and precis writing. These skills are particularly important for future job opportunities. When it comes to communication skills, students need to be able to answer questions in English and articulate their answers effectively. The questions are usually related to the student’s opinion on a given topic, and they have to write accordingly within a given time frame.

Section 4: General Awareness

This section deals with general awareness and current affairs. The questions can be related to any field, be it politics, sports, business, literature, or any current event. This section is designed to test students’ awareness of the world and their ability to connect global affairs to various areas of information.


In a nutshell, the English PG entrance exam mainly comprises four sections: English Literature, Grammar and Understanding of English, Writing and Communication Skills, and General Awareness. Each section is equally important, and students need to focus on all of them to secure a good score. Students should continuously work on their writing and communication skills and improve their general awareness through consistent reading and research. It’s also essential for students to concentrate on the English Literature section as topics from this section are prevalent in both exams and job interviews. With consistent study, dedication, and a clear understanding of exam patterns, anyone can successfully prepare for the English PG entrance exam.


English is one of the most sought-after subjects in the world. Many students wish to pursue English as their subject of interest to gain various career opportunities. One such opportunity is through a master’s degree in English. The English subject for PG courses is a popular choice among students. The English PG entrance exam mainly comprises four sections.

Section 1: English Literature

This section mostly concentrates on the core texts of literature that contain poems, prose, and drama. Students need to study various texts from different genres to score well in this section. The exam usually contains questions related to authorship, central themes and its relevance to society, character traits, and other relevant topics. It’s essential to have a good understanding of the core texts to score well in this section.

Section 2: Grammar and Understanding of English

Grammar and understanding of English is an essential aspect when it comes to English. In this section, students are usually tested on their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary skillset. This section is particularly crucial as professional life demands excellent communication skills, a good understanding of grammar, and a vast vocabulary range. The questions are generally related to the correct usage of tenses, adjectives, verbs, and other grammatical rules. Students need to practice regularly and refer to grammar guides to score well in this section.

Section 3: Writing and Communication Skills

In this section, students’ writing and communication skills are tested. The skills required in this section are letter writing, article, essay writing, and precis writing. These skills are particularly important for future job opportunities. When it comes to communication skills, students need to be able to answer questions in English and articulate their answers effectively. The questions are usually related to the student’s opinion on a given topic, and they have to write accordingly within a given time frame.

Section 4: General Awareness

This section deals with general awareness and current affairs. The questions can be related to any field, be it politics, sports, business, literature, or any current event. This section is designed to test students’ awareness of the world and their ability to connect global affairs to various areas of information.


In a nutshell, the English PG entrance exam mainly comprises four sections: English Literature, Grammar and Understanding of English, Writing and Communication Skills, and General Awareness. Each section is equally important, and students need to focus on all of them to secure a good score. Students should continuously work on their writing and communication skills and improve their general awareness through consistent reading and research. It’s also essential for students to concentrate on the English Literature section as topics from this section are prevalent in both exams and job interviews. With consistent study, dedication, and a clear understanding of exam patterns, anyone can successfully prepare for the English PG entrance exam.

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